Why Filtered Tap Water Is Better Than Unfiltered Tap Water and Bottled Water

What kind of water do you drink? Bottled? From the tap? Are you concerned about the purity of the water you drink? Do you worry about chemicals in your water? Are you thinking of buying a water filter, but don't know which type to buy?
Drinking good old H2O is likely the single most important thing we can do for our health. Just a 2% drop can cause dehydration and reduce our physical and mental performance. Without it we would perish in just a few days. As important as water is, many of us worry about the purity of the water we drink, and it that weren't enough to worry about we now must consider the environment when making choices about water.
Purity and environmental sustainability are what matter when it comes to making smart choices about water. So let's take a look at tap, bottled and filtered water more closely.
Tap Water
Tap water is there for all of us to drink thanks to our public utility systems. We just turn on the tap and out it flows. If you've lived or traveled in a country where there is no clean public water, you will understand what a blessing tap water is! It is safe to drink, however, because of the earth's hydrological system, the same water is recylcled over and over again, and because we humans have introduced over 75,000 toxic chemicals into this system, the purity of our tap water is questionable. The many chemicals we use in our everyday lives inevitably wind up in our water as do chemicals from industry and agriculture.
Bottled Water
Is bottled water really pure and is it sustainable? Hardly.
40% of bottled water comes form the tap, the same stuff you draw from your own tap at home. There is very little regulation for bottled water so it is difficult to be certain about what you are really getting. Bottled water is also expensive. Or rather the marketing of it is expensive and this is what people pay from to a gallon for. It is bad for the environment. The production (and recycling) of plastic bottles and the transportation of water, sometimes from across the globe, produce large amounts of CO2. This is unnecessary and harmful to the environment.
While not all bottled water is bad it is on the whole is an expensive convenience and not good for our environment.
Filtered Water
Water filtering systems take our sustainable yet imperfect public water systems and turn them into a safer and sustainable option and free flowing filtered water from your tap costs only pennies a day.
Filter systems fall into two categories: carbon filtration and reverse osmosis. Carbon systems are thought to be very effective at removing contaminants and are very good value for money. Reverse osmosis systems claim to be the most effective and are somewhat higher priced. Makers of carbon filters claim that reverse osmosis systems should not be used because also remove healthy minerals.
Both carbon filtration and reverse osmosis systems can be installed at 'point of use' (right at the tap) or at the main water line ('whole house' system). Only carbon filters are available as 'pitcher water filters' (like Britta systems). These are cheap and practical, but are the least effective in removing impurities.
Water is absolutely essential for good health and for our survival so if the only water you have is unfiltered from the tap, by all means drink it! But in our own homes we can make wise choices and when choosing between tap, bottled or filtered water, filtered is the best option.
Filtered water is the healthiest most economical and environmentally friendly water we can drink.
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