Monday, October 31, 2011

Koolscapes Floating Pond Skimmer

List Price : $89.99

Sale Price : $76.99

Koolscapes Floating Pond Skimmer Overview

A unique skimmer that floats on the surface of the pond and includes a powerful pump that draws in all the debris from the water

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

USFilter Water Filter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter - MPN - USFilter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane

USFilter Water Filter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter - MPN - USFilter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane

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USFilter Water Filter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter - MPN - USFilter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane

USFilter Water Filter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter - MPN - USFilter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane
USFilters Replacement Water Filter - It is recommended that you replace the ROM-230T every 24 months.The USFilter ROM-230T compatible RO membrane can be used in almost any system that needs an 50 gallon per day membrane filter.The double o-ring connection ensures a strong seal and sanitary, quick filter change.

USFilter Water Filter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter - MPN - USFilter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane

  • Replacement Filters Replacement Water Filter
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • 0

USFilter Water Filter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter - MPN - USFilter ROM-230T Compatible 50GPD Reverse Osmosis Membrane

Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 31, 2011 08:59:30 ***

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

DIY Water Filter

DIY Water Filter

Water Filter

Many of you, just like me, have been sipping bottle water or even tap water in some cases. For many years I tried to come up with an alternative but I wanted something that didn't cost that much.

There was an easy way to my problem and I had to find it. My family and I usually spend about 3000 dollars for bottle water every year. This was huge. We decided to save some money. So this is how I started to research for another way in which to get clean, safe, filtered water at home.

At first I know nothing of water filters and I had to do a lot of research. There are also many differences between the filters. But soon I understood that the cheap ones of just 50 dollars aren't worth a damn. They don't filter the water correctly. The parasites and the bacteria were left in the water after the filtration.

But there are modern ones, with many features, that cost around or a bit more than 500 dollars. This is not a huge sum.
But another idea crossed my mind. I wanted to know if I could make a filter, a good one, for 80 dollars. I was astonished when I saw that it is very easy to make it myself. The water I produced with my home made filter was tasty, clean and fresh. And most of all, it was completely safe to drink.

What did I do?

I put two buckets, a spigot and two filter elements. This is the whole filter and it does an amazing job. The one I made is a gravity filter and this means you don't need to use electricity.

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My Wood Koi Pond

My Wood Koi Pond On YouTube.

Economical Koi pond made from wood.

Tags: Koi, pond, water, garden, fish, backyard, kohaku, Yamabuki, Ogon, Asagi, Sanke, feeding, wood, filter, system, bamboo, fountain

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Coffee Preparation - Drip Brewing 珈琲-コーヒーのドリップ方法

Coffee Preparation - Drip Brewing 珈琲-コーヒーのドリップ方法 Video Clips.

//// Drip brewing //// Method1: 透過法 permeation process Method2: 浸漬法 infusion process #0 新鮮な豆を仕入れるおいしさの80%はここで決定.必ずその日焙煎した豆を販売する店で購入のこと.これ見よがしにガラスケースに大量の豆を陳列してある店などもってのほかである.新鮮な豆は膨らむ.ホントビックリするくらい泡がでる. #1 コーヒー豆を挽いた後で,渋皮を吹き飛ばす渋皮はチャフともいう.切り潰した粉をストックに入れ,回転させながら息を吹きかける. #1 Grinding and Separating the chaff: Grind coffee beans, next separate the chaff from the coffee grounds. #2 フィルターをセットしお湯で洗う#2 When water reaches boil, place the paper filter onto dripper and wash it clean of any bits, oils, papery flavors and impurities. #3 ドリップ用のお湯を冷ます.適温は90℃. 沸騰したお湯を適温(90℃前後)まで冷ます.珈琲は温度によって抽出成分が変化する.甘み・苦みは低温でも抽出されるが,雑味(えぐ味),渋み,酸味は温度が上がると指数関数的に増加する.一回の天空落としにて 5~10℃湯温が下がる.季節によって落とす高さを変える. #3 Cooling hot water: Water temperature is crucial to the proper extraction of flavor from the ground coffee. The recommended brewing temperature of coffee is 90 deg C. #4 珈琲の抽出雑味は甘み,苦みに比べて溶解度が低い. 溶け出し難くく溶け出す速度も遅い. 解け出し難さを利用した方法が透過法. 溶解速度の差を利用した方法が浸漬法. カリタ,ネルドリップは透過法. サイフォン,パーコレーター,メリタは浸漬法. #4 Drip brewing: Sweet or bitter substances are more soluble ...

Tags: coffee, drip, brewing, making, hand, pour, filter, 珈琲, コーヒー, ドリップ, 透過法, 浸漬法, 蒸らし, 上海紅茶館, PE'Z, おいしい, いれかた, 淹れ方, 入れ方, コーヒーの入れ方

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Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape

How to Create a Patio Pond by Aquascape Video Clips.

Now everyone can enjoy a water garden, even if you only have a balcony to enjoy outdoor living. Scott Rhodes, director of product marketing for Aquascape, highlights how easy it is to create a container water garden with the Aquascape Aquatic Patio Pond.

Keywords: Aquascape, container water garden, informational, installation, ecosystem pond, water gardening, pond fish, pond plants, water lilies, water lily, goldfish, koi, product, aqua06, aqua10, Pond Squad, water feature, pond, howto, how to, patio pond, aquatic bowl, mini water garden, patio bowl, aquatic plants

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Choosing a Fish Tank : Choosing a Fish Tank Heater

Choosing a Fish Tank : Choosing a Fish Tank Heater Video Clips.

Choosing the right fish tank heater is as important as choosing the right filter. Get tips on selecting the right fish tank heater from a fish expert in this free pet care video. Expert: Stuart Collins Contact: Bio: Stuart Colling owns the pet shop Pet City Pets of Ypsilanti and has been in business for over 20 years. Filmmaker: Travis Waack

Tags: fish, tanks, filters, pets, plants, charcoal, water, gravel, lighting, aquariums, care, pet, free, how, to, Expert, Village

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hytrex GX10-40 Water Filters (1 Case/20 Filters)

Hytrex GX10-40 Water Filters (1 Case/20 Filters)

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Hytrex GX10-40 Water Filters (1 Case/20 Filters)

Hytrex GX10-40 Water Filters (1 Case/20 Filters)
Hytrex GX10-40 Water Filters: Hytrex Depth Cartridge Filters consist of thermally bonded micro fibers of polypropylene which create a strong secure cartridge that traps particles throughout its depth. The Hytrex Depth Cartridge Filters incinerate to trace ash for easy disposal. The GX10-40 water filter has a high dirt holding capacity which means longer life and fewer changeouts. The Hytrex GX10-40 filter features fast rinse-up in high purity applications. Typical applications for the GX10-40 water filter include: High Purity Chemicals, Bottled Water, Pre-Treatment for Reverse Osmosis, Oil & Gas, and Electronics.

Hytrex GX10-40 Water Filters (1 Case/20 Filters)

  • Hytrex GX10-40 Water Filters (1 Case/20 Filters)
    • Hytrex GX10-40 Water Filter Contaminant Reduction:
    • Micron Rating: 10 microns
    • Meets FDA Title 21 requirements
    • NSF Standard 42 certified
  • ###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################

Hytrex GX10-40 Water Filters (1 Case/20 Filters)

Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 27, 2011 05:41:05 ***

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Turtle bureaucracy additional architecture process

Turtle bureaucracy additional architecture process On YouTube.

The undergravel filter does pick up some but not all. I think there might be too much airflow to cause a strong enough suction. Some finer gravel maybe? My goal is to cut down on the cleaning chores without sacrificing my gravel or having to vacuum so often. I hate barebottom tanks, it's like keeping someone in an empty hospital room. Not comfy. Simply wiping off the powerheads every now and then sure beats busting out the hose. Fluval canister filters are the best! Instead of buying one huge filter, i added another fluval of the same capacity to my existing one. They are both made to filter a max of 70gal each and together they work wonderfully! The water just keeps getting clearer! The powerheads are penguin 1140's. They pump 300gph. I'm experimenting with different filtration methods, this was actually my 2nd time refilling the tank. It got really dirty last time, because the turtles kept uncovering the filter plates. For the dock, i cut a large 'zoo-med' turtle platform to sit above the tank, then i tied a piece of corkbark to the holes to act as a ramp so it rises and falls with the water. So far it seems pretty good. I need to update the lighting, though. :)

Tags: turtle, res, tank, setup, red, eared, slider, aquarium, fluval, canister, undergravel, filter, stand, building, construction, filtration, water, above, dock

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Episode 3: How to Change the Fuel Filter in a Mercedes Diesel

Episode 3: How to Change the Fuel Filter in a Mercedes Diesel Video Clips.

This is How to Change the Fuel Filter in a Mercedes Diesel

Tags: mercedes, benz, mercedes benz, turbodiesel, diesel, fuel filter, 300d, 3pointdiesel

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Is Your Water Making You Sick

Is Your Water Making You Sick

Water Filter

Did you know that people in the United States get sick each and every year from water they drink from their faucet.

Yes, tap water makes roughly 7 million people sick every year, yet no one really thinks about that when a family member is ill. They just feel they contacted a virus from another person. However, you may need to look at your own kitchen faucet the next time you have an intestinal disorder or a stomach ailment.

Contaminated drinking water that we get everyday through our homes has made us ill. This is because the water companies cannot trap viruses and bacteria and they leech out into the water systems and we pay for that liquid.

The quickest way to remove just the drinking portion of your water is to get a faucet filter. You can find these almost anywhere now and they can be hooked up within 5 minutes time to your faucet. You simply unscrew the strainer on your faucet opening and attach this equipment. You will have the choice to use the filter or turn it off depending on the brand you purchase by either flipping the whole unit up or down or by turning a button on the side of the filter.

Another source to simply create good drinking water is to acquire a pitcher. Many well known companies such as Brita, PUR, Aquasana and more make these pitchers. You simple pour water from your tap into the container top and it will filter down into clean water you can then drink.

These sometimes take 30 minutes to filter through the water so do not plan on drinking the water very quickly.

The cost savings of getting a water filter will pay for itself when you do not have to run to the local drugstore to purchase medicine because you or a family member is ill and needs something to ease their discomfort.

Another benefit of filtering out viruses and bacteria especially in the winter months is the taste. You will definitely notice a better and cleaner taste in the water you drink. You may even refuse to have the old water ever again.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to Change a Hot Tub Water Filter

How to Change a Hot Tub Water Filter

Water Filter

Any appliance that requires the use of water needs water filter. Our water source is far from being clean and is also a source of contaminants such as pesticides, hard minerals, chemicals and pathogens. Your hot tub also has a water filter to remove these things.

However, you will need to replace the filters every so often. Debris tends to collect and this hampers the flow of clean water. If you do not know yet how to easily change the filter, here are some steps to walk you through:

Step 1: Follow the water connection. Beneath the tub, you can find cut off valves. There are several valves located beneath. The pump is squeezed in between the first two valves. The filter is squeezed in between two valves too. You should be familiar with the anatomy of your tub so you will know which part to replace.

Step 2: Close the valves found on both sides of the filter. Also make sure that you have turned off the blower and the pump. You can find these parts in the user documentation. Refer to the pictures there for the parts.

Step 3: Once you have turned it off, you can now remove the filter. Disconnect the filter unit connected to the tub. Some tub models will require you to twist the bottom part of the unit and then loosen it up to extract the filter. Some tubs will just require you to remove the upper part of the filter.

Step 4: Once you have extracted the filter, check if it is still good enough and that there are no holes. If it is still in good condition, you need only to give it a bit of cleaning. Soak it in vinegar solution for a few minutes to loosen up debris. You can also use detergent suds and use it to gently scrub the filter clean. Rinse it well.

Step 5: Before putting the cleaned filter or the replacement filter back, you should try to put petroleum jelly on the gasket. This will help you easily fit the filter. Now you can reconnect the filter.

Step 6: Make sure you have secured it tightly before opening the valves. Try running one cycle to see if there are any leaks. If there are, stop the process and reattach the connection. It should be fitted tightly.

Once done, your filter should be working like new again.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis Water Filter

The Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis Water Filter

Water Filter

You deserve to be congratulated since you are reading this. It shows that you are concerned for the health of your family as well as yours. Are you right now considering reverse osmosis as a probable choice of water for your household? Before you make your decision, read this article on the disadvantages of reverse osmosis water filter for more information.

Clean water is great and healthy of course. But you don't want the water so clean that it is void of minerals. That is not accurately clean; rather, it is of low value. This is because it does not contribute any minerals to your body system, unlike other solids or fluids that you consume. This is what reverse osmosis water is.

The reverse osmosis water filter literally filters the water of everything. The filtering is not limited to impurities, it filters out minerals as well. These minerals are actually essential to the health of your body. You can do without the impurities but your body needs the minerals to thrive.

Imagine drinking water everyday, minus the minerals. You may be drinking lots of water and under the impression that you are hydrating yourself really well, until you find out how much you have been missing on every time you drink; the all essential minerals.

Since you are drinking anyway, you may as well replenish your body with the minerals that it may have used up or lost. Drinking is not only meant to hydrate, but nourish as well. You should make the most of it.

Since you are exploring the market for water filters, you probably realize that there are quite a number of different kinds of filters out there. You may as well choose filters that filter out the impurities only; filters that do not filter out minerals as well.

Unless you are choosing a reverse osmosis water filter for a specific reason. Perhaps one of your family members is allergic to certain kinds of minerals. In other words, about the only reason you would prefer this kind of filter over others is if there is a medical condition that you need to take into account. Otherwise, it makes no sense in doing so.

But what about the other members of the family who are healthy? You may be compromising their health in the long run so you should consider carefully. After all, you do have many choices in the market.

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Slimline Water Filter Housings 10" - RO / Aquarium - Pack of 2

Product Brand : iSpring
Model : HW12

Slimline Water Filter Housings 10" - RO / Aquarium - Pack of 2

Slimline Water Filter Housings 10
Dimensions: 4 3/4" O.D. X 12" H

Why Purchase From us

- Honest seller, more than 1500 positive feedbacks on ebay
- Free tech support before and after sale
- Ship from Atlanta warehouse daily. Only 2-day transit time for most states in Eastern Time zone and part of Central time zone (including Texas)

We also carry many other home filter systems. Please check our Amazon store for other items.

Slimline Water Filter Housings 10

  • Industry Standard Water Filter Housing
  • Good for Reverse Osmosis Water Filter and RO DI Filter
  • Fits 10"x2.5 standard filter cartridges, compatible to most RO systems, includes Watts Premier, Flowmatic, PuROLine, Crystal Quest, Apec, and etc.
  • 1/4" Inlet / Outlet
  • Made of 100% high-quality polypropylene

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$32.99 (New)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cheap Air Filter Cleaning For Your Dirt Bike

Cheap Air Filter Cleaning For Your Dirt Bike Video Clips.

A quick cheap and easy way to clean your air filter for any dirt bike, quad or motorcycle.

Keywords: air, filter, cleaning, clean, motocross, dirt, bike, motorcycle, wash, washing, repair, fix, fixing, how, to

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Erik Hersman: How texting helped Kenyans survive crisis

Erik Hersman: How texting helped Kenyans survive crisis On YouTube. At TEDU 2009, Erik Hersman presents the remarkable story of Ushahidi, a GoogleMap mashup that allowed Kenyans to report and track violence via cell phone texts following the 2008 elections, and has evolved to continue saving lives in other countries.TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on, at http

Tags: Erik, Hersman, tedtalks, TED, talks, texting, IM, cell, phones, SMS, Ushahidi, activism, Kenya, Google, Maps

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Taking Care of Your Health and The Dangers of Fluoride - Alex Jones Tv 1/4

Dr. Joseph Mercola: Taking Care of Your Health and The Dangers of Fluoride - Alex Jones Tv 1/4 Video Clips.

Alex welcomes to the show Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician, health activist, and entrepreneur. Mercola criticizes many of the practices of mainstream medicine and the Food and Drug Administration, particularly vaccination and the use of prescription drugs and surgery to treat diseases. He encourages using water filters to purify drinking water and is strongly opposed to water fluoridation.

Tags: Fluoride, FDA, Dr., Joseph, Mercola, osteopathic, physician, health, activist, entrepreneur, H1N1, swine, flu, cancer, alex, jones, infowars, endgame

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hydranautics: Spiral Wound Reverse Osmosis Elements

Hydranautics: Spiral Wound Reverse Osmosis Elements Video Clips.

Hydranautics manufactures reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration (UF) membrane products and microfiltration (MF) for water treatment applications around the world, helping meet increasingly stringent regulations and ensure the highest water quality. For more information about Hydranautics membrane products please call 1-800-CPA-PURE or 760-901-2500, visit us online at or send an e-mail to

Keywords: Water, Reverse, Osmosis, Hydranautics, ultrapure, specialty, process, nanofiltration

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Install a Charcoal Shower Head Water Filter and Have Healthy Hair Again

Install a Charcoal Shower Head Water Filter and Have Healthy Hair Again

Water Filter

Are you struggling with dry unmanageable hair, or dry itchy skin? If so you need to install a charcoal shower head water filter so your water isn't robbing your hair and skin of it's natural essential oils.

But before you purchase a shower filter its important to understand what contaminants a filter should remove. There are many filters on the market with wildly different price tags and different capabilities. And as with most products the price of the product doesn't always equate to the quality of the product.

So lets look at what a charcoal shower head water filter needs to remove from your water to get you that nice healthy glow back in your hair.

First off it must remove the chlorine from the water. I don't think anyone will be surprised at the fact chlorine is in every water supply and is incredibly harsh on your hair and skin. Also if you've ever been in a swimming pool you know all about chlorine and you can't wait to take a shower to get that stuff off you when your done swimming.

Any charcoal shower head water filter you buy will filter out this chlorine because charcoal is the active ingredient that is required to remove it. So this one is a no brainer.

The second thing you should look for is a filter that removes THM's. THM's are compounds that result from a reaction between organic materials in drinking water and the chlorine that's added. These thing sound bad for you and they are. You need to get them removed from your water.

Lastly we need to talk about the filter cost. A shower filter can cost anywhere from a low of to a high of 0 but if you do your research you can find a very acceptable unit near the bottom of the range quite easily.

Now it's up to you to do your own research to find a charcoal shower head water filter that will restore your hair to health and relieve your dry skin. Remember to find one that will filter out chlorine and those bad THM's. And lastly don't forget you don't need to spend an arm and a leg to get a great filter.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Crystal Quest Stainless Steel?Water Softener Arsenic Reducing Filter Grain Capacity 60000

Crystal Quest Stainless Steel?Water Softener Arsenic Reducing Filter Grain Capacity 60000 Review

List Price : $6,819.27

Availibility : N/A

Crystal Quest Stainless Steel?Water Softener Arsenic Reducing Filter Grain Capacity 60000 Feature

  • Second stage, water flows through an ion exchange mineral tank and brine water conditioner.
  • Fourth stage, water flows through a 20" solid carbon cartridge for removing volatile organic carbon compounds (VOC's), insecticides, pesticides and industrial solvents.
  • Third stage, water flows through an Arsenic reducing mineral tank.
  • Buyer must charge a 35% restocking fee for return item. We usually ship in 6-10 days.
  • Watertravels through 4 stages of filtration: First stage, water flows through a 20" sediment cartridge that removes sediment, silt, sand and dirt Also extends the life of water softeners and water filters, and prevents damage to control valves or pumps.

Crystal Quest Stainless Steel?Water Softener Arsenic Reducing Filter Grain Capacity 60000 Overview

Solid 316-Stainless Steel Tanks: heavy-duty, burst-proof construction for long time filled with high capacity ion exchange resin. Brine exchange mineral tank. Solid 316-Stainless Steel Tanks filled with Arsenic reducing media. Riser style 1" internal flow distributor. Solid state microprocessor with LED display Electronics control valve. 11 GPM/1.5 cu. Ft. Or 13 GPM/2.0 cu. Ft.-suggested gallon-per-minute or less flow rate. 3/4" or 1" Stainless Steel Bypass Valve.

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

euronews science - Cheap new "tea bag" baptize clarify may save lives

euronews science - Cheap new "tea bag" baptize clarify may save lives On YouTube.

Millions of people die each year in Africa because of a lack of clean drinking water. Researchers at Stellenbosch University in South Africa have developed an innovative and inexpensive solution to dirty water: a filter shaped like a tea bag that fits into the neck of a bottle....

Keywords: euronews, science, Water, Africa

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Friday, October 14, 2011

TotalPond MF750UV Floating UV Pond Filter with Fountain

TotalPond MF750UV Floating UV Pond Filter with Fountain

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TotalPond MF750UV Floating UV Pond Filter with Fountain

TotalPond MF750UV Floating UV Pond Filter with Fountain
Our new Ultra Violet filter is easy and quick to use. It filters and cleans your pond in three ways: 1.Mechanical and Biological Filtration pads clean debris from the pond and are a perfect home for beneficial bacteria 2. Our 5 watt UV Sterilizer, built into the floating filter, reduces micro-organisms and bacteria resulting in clean, clear water 3.The fountain head helps add oxygen back into the pond with the clean water accelerating aerobic activity which leads to clean water. This technically advanced UV light uses cold cathode bulb and emits 254 nanometers-which is the optimum wavelength for sterilization. Simple. Just drop it in and plug it in and you are on your way to a clean, healthy pond.

TotalPond MF750UV Floating UV Pond Filter with Fountain

  • New UV Filtration Technology.
  • Filtration pads clean debris from the pond
  • Fountain head adds oxygen back into your pond
  • Built in UV Sterilizer
  • Drop in your pond and plug it in.

TotalPond MF750UV Floating UV Pond Filter with Fountain

Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

TotalPond MF750UV Floating UV Pond Filter with Fountain
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 15, 2011 11:13:34 ***

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Bug Out Bag - baptize source

Bug Out Bag - baptize source Video Clips.

Water weighs 8 pounds, so I'm not carrying any more than I have to in my bug out bag. But I have plenty of sources around me to pull from. Your area may vary. Having a way to purify and filter is essential , you make it far without water. Here is what I use. Have solid gear you can count on.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Discus angle amend 19.11.10 - Maintainence + Feeding and lots more!

Discus angle amend 19.11.10 - Maintainence + Feeding and lots more! Video Clips.

First of, I would like to announce that I'm sorry for the late update, it is simply because I have been very busy lately and still am. I will try to make an update once every month or at the very most, two. Also, if you notice, the video contains a lot of trims, this is because I no longer have a working external memory card and now I have to rely on the internal memory on my digital camera which could only record up to 2.34minutes, therefore I have to transfer it onto my pc everytime before making another clip. Back on track...I am quite happy with my discus so far, I have two favorites (keepers) and two alright one, so what about the other one? Well not that much, therefore I plan NOT to use it as my future breeding stock, though it does hold a nice trait (high fin), this in turn may change my mind... I only do 20% water changes every day now since I'm very busy and have a tight schedule, I only feed them once or twice a day. I have not turned on the lights ever since the last discus fish update video since I don't trust it (seems like it would crack any moment!) I clean my sponge filter once every week or two since it gets saturated. In order for it to work efficiently, squeezing it will help remove the debris and nasties. I would recommend you using your tank water to clean your sponge but I have had success using tap water, but for the purpose of this video, I have shown you the appropriate measure since what works for me may not work for you. I wipe down my tank ...

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Review of the Best PUR Water Filter Replacement Cartridges

A Review of the Best PUR Water Filter Replacement Cartridges

Water Filter

As fresh air and a unhurt, healthy environment is definitely the birthright of every living creature, big or small, one begins to wonder why pure water does not come under that particular category. That is the reason why it is necessary to make understand that a PUR water filter replacement is done now and then in your water filter.

Some water filters have a carbon/ion exchange make radio active to shift the sediment, copper, chlorine as well as lead found in your water. So you are going to have pure better tasting water running through your taps. You may even want to shift the sediments found in your shower and this can also be done by means of special water filters.

The different types of filters available in the market today are medicated water reserving filters, large earth ware jugs and tap for barrel. People are under the believe that bottled water is surely a better alternative to filtered water. They could not be more wrong. You are going to get an excess amount paid product, filled with tap water. The plastic container is going to have chemical source elements. And it definitely does not get rid of all the bacteria present in the tap water. That declares that the water filter scheme is much more efficient in the long run. And when you can get good PUR water filter replacement cartridges very easily in the market, well then there you are!

A good PUR water filter replacement should be able to shift the chlorine, potassium, magnesium and calcium present in the water. It is also cost-effective, can be easily replaced, and should be a certified product. It is definitely not easy to search products that have all these things going for them. Nevertheless, there are good water filter replacement cartridges, which can finish a major percent of these duties in an efficient manner.

So here we come to some of the best PUR water filter replacement cartridges in the market today. The PUR RF-9999-6 3 Stage Faucet Mount Filter, 6-Pack is one of them. These need to be used on PUR faucet filtering systems. A filter would need to be changed after 3 months. All the dangerous elements and impurities in the drinking water are going to be eradicated with the help of activated ion exchange carbon and resin.

You are also going to get rid of chlorine, mercury, and lead. Apart from that you are able to remove agriculture as well as chemical and industrial filthy agents from the water as well as any sort of sediment.

This PUR water filter replacement product comes as the 3 stage product, which means that it is going to clean the water by removing sediment permanently, makes it healthy by removing the chemicals and harmful bacteria. And then the 3rd stage gives it a fresh and clean taste by filtering the water over minerals. The price may seem to be a little too much, but if you take this 3 stage activity, you can conclude it to be cheap at the price, especially when your family's health is on the line.

PUR-CRF-950Z-2-Stage-Pitcher-Replacement is a two-stage water filter, which has 3 filters in one pack. You can use them in a PUR Ultimate Water Filtration Dispenser and Pitcher. This water filter is quite able of removing 99.99% of the sediment-first stage -- as well as using, asbestos, lead, mercury and harmful bacteria-2nd stage in 40 gallons of water. So if you are living in an region with plenty of industrial wastes in the water supply, this is the right PUR water
filter replacement for you.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

AP217 Aqua Pure Dual Action Replacement Water Filter (2 Pack)

Product Brand : AquaPure

AP217 Aqua Pure Dual Action Replacement Water Filter (2 Pack)

AP217 Aqua Pure Dual Action Replacement Water Filter (2 Pack)
Replacement filter cartridge for Aqua Pure AP200 and AP210. This filter reduces chlorine taste and odor,rust, dirt, sediment, scale. Replace every 3-4 months. Has a 5 micron rating

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Monday, October 10, 2011

3M Cuno HF40 Replacement Cartridge Large Diameter for BEV140 Water Filter

3M Cuno HF40 Replacement Cartridge Large Diameter for BEV140 Water Filter

Product Brand : 3M Cuno


3M Cuno HF40 Replacement Cartridge Large Diameter for BEV140 Water Filter

3M Cuno HF40 Replacement Cartridge Large Diameter for BEV140 Water Filter

3M Cuno HF40 Replacement Cartridge Large Diameter for BEV140 Water Filter

3M Cuno HF40 Replacement Cartridge Large Diameter for BEV140 Water Filter Overviews
3M Cuno HF40 Replacement Cartridge, Large Diameter, 2.1 GPM flow rate, 25,000 Gallon Capacity.0.2 micron rating, reduces bacteria, sediment, chlorine taste & odor, cyst reduction.For BEV140 Water Filter.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Water Supplies Are Contaminated With Spices, Cocaine, and Birth Control

Water Supplies Are Contaminated With Spices, Cocaine, and Birth Control

Water Filter

Even after the EPA rule filtering, are products such as spices, cocaine and hormones in the waters around the world have been found. Harmful or not, these substances affect aquatic life and human life in the final analysis, such as drinking water is contaminated.

"Everything you do is connected to the watershed," said Richard Keil, an associate professor at the University of Washington, the measure, one study found students with food ingredients in the waters surrounding Washingtonthe holidays.

Spices like thyme, cinnamon and vanilla were all discovered after filtration. No harmful effect on aquatic life have been suspended because of these ingredients, but more research is done to ensure that species do not experience adverse effects.

What are the causes more anxiety medications that are leaking into the seas, rivers and fittings at home. Pharmaceutical products, such as birth control legal and illegal cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and marijuana were found in all watersupplies. To obtain products of these drugs in the flow of sewage from the urine and feces. Most of these products are removed during treatment, but many studies have shown that a trace remains unhealthy.

These drugs damage the water environment and aquatic life. For example, the hormones estrogen and birth control, the male fish are growing parts of the female body.

While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says there is no evidence of harm to humans, the same water,there's still room for concern. Common sense says it can't be good for humans to consume these substances in water, even if the traces are small.

It's important not to put all your trust into the EPA and assume nothing harmful will come through your water faucets. Take your own precautions and purchase a trustworthy gravity water filter that will remove all pharmaceuticals, cocaine or even cinnamon.

Not just any water filter will do the trick. Make sure whatever water filter you choose is powerful and promises to remove pathogenic bacteria, parasites, trihalomethanes, lead, mercury, VOCs and more.

Clean water is important to anyone's health. The effects of consuming contaminated water are unknown and may be long term, not surfacing for years to come. That's why it's so important to get a durable gravity water filter now.

Take your health into your own hands and make sure the water you and your family drinks is the healthiest, cleanest water available. That water can only be produced with a dependable purification system.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sprite Industries SR-WH Shower Filter Distributes Water Evenly

Sprite Industries SR-WH Shower Filter Distributes Water Evenly

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Sprite Industries SR-WH Shower Filter Distributes Water Evenly

Sprite Industries SR-WH Shower Filter Distributes Water Evenly
With the SR-WH Sprite Perma-Seal Shower Filter you can keep your existing showerhead and still gain the positive results of filtrated, chlorine-free water!

With permanently sealed housing and high strength bonding, the SR-WH is designed to last for a long time. (The cartridge will need to be replaced after about one year depending on your original water quality.)

The SR-WH comes in white with a decorative metallic band for a shower that looks as good as it feels! Sprite has incorporated their ?full-flow filter design? into the SR-WH water filter meaning that anti-channeling dispersal quadrants will evenly distribute shower water throughout the filter media, for a guaranteed purer shower.

Order your Sprite SR-WH Filter today!

Sprite Industries SR-WH Shower Filter Distributes Water Evenly

  • White Color With Decorative Metallic Band Improves Your Bathroom Decor!
  • Chlorine And Other Impurities Will Be Eliminated From Your Shower Water, Improving Your Hair, Skin, And Nails
  • You Will Not Be Breathing In Harmful Chlorine Vapors While You Are In The Shower
  • The Perma-Seal Has A Guaranteed Longer Life Than The Average Shower Filter With Permanently Sealed Housing
  • Because It Is Only The Filter, You Can Keep Your Old Showerhead And Still Receive The Benefits Of Cleaner, Pure Water

Sprite Industries SR-WH Shower Filter Distributes Water Evenly

Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 09, 2011 08:43:01 ***

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Homedics RWS-100 Restore Clean Water System

Homedics RWS-100 Restore Clean Water System

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Homedics RWS-100 Restore Clean Water System

Homedics RWS-100 Restore Clean Water System
Restore is a complete purification system in an affordable, easy to use pitcher (small enough to fit in your refrigerator). With state-of-the-art technology, it is comparable to many expensive systems that require instillation, but with none of the hassle. Compared to leading brands of water filtration pitchers such as Brita or Pur, Restore takes clean water to a new level by removing bacteria and viruses, which they don't. Restore Includes an internal filtration system with an activated carbon and ion exchange resin filter. Simply add tap water to the top reservoir and as it passes through the Restore filter, heavy metals, chlorine and some pollutants are reduced. Purification: Derived from the sun, Restore's breakthrough germ-killing UV Clean technology safely purifies water and restores it to a healthier state. After a short treatment cycle (approx 60 seconds), your water is free of: 99.9999% of Bacteria99.99% of Viruses99.95% of Microbial Cysts8 cup capacity pitcher with built in UV lamp1 replaceable carbon-ion filter1 power adapterBPA Free Due to continuous product improvements, the picture on the carton may differ slightly from the actual product. Product Box is made from Recycled Paperboard

Homedics RWS-100 Restore Clean Water System

  • UV technology purifies and removes 99.9999% of bacteria, 99.99% of viruses and 99.95% of microbial cysts
  • Reduces Heavy Metals, Chlorine (taste and odor), some Industrial & Agricultural Pollutants
  • Easy to use, affordable water pitcher product
  • Restore treats tap water so it's both cost effective and eco friendly
  • System includes: 8 cup capacity, BPA free pitcher with built-in UV lamp, one replaceable filter and one adapter

Homedics RWS-100 Restore Clean Water System
Restore is a breakthrough in clean water. It uses a revolutionary dual process system featuring premium filtration & germ killing UV clean technology that purifies the water. Restore removes bacteria, viruses & microbial cysts. It may look like a standard filtration pitcher; However, Restore does more; It kills germs. Restore is a water purifier, removing bacteria & viruses that popular filtration pitchers don't. Why spend thousands of dollars to have a purification system installed in your house? For just pennies a serving, enjoy the ultimate in cleaner, healthier, great tasting water! Restore is a complete purification system in an affordable, easy to use pitcher.

Restore includes an internal filtration system with an activated carbon and ion exchange resin filter. Simply add tap water to the top reservoir and as it passes through the Restore filter, heavy metals, chlorine (taste & order) and some industrial & agricultural pollutants are reduced.
Derived from the sun, Restore's breakthrough germ-killing UV Clean technology safely purifies water and restores it to a healthier state. After a short treatment cycle (approx. 60 seconds), your water is free of:
  • 99.9999% of Bacteria
  • 99.99% of Viruses
  • 99.95% of Microbial Cysts
    Restore's breakthrough cleaning process provides cleaner, great tasting water with every cycle.

    Taste theClean


    Contaminants mentioned may not be in all users’ water.

    Homedics RWS-100 Restore Clean Water System

    Available at Amazon : Check Price Now!

    Homedics RWS-100 Restore Clean Water System
    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 08, 2011 13:08:27 ***

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